Ok, a blogginlägg about every celeb' I love *Gets chocolate* In English!

First out...

Cameron Bright. He's a good person, don't know why. And he's gorgeous, nuff said. Oh and he's funny too.

Robert Pattinson. His voice makes me... cry, cuz it's good. >_>

Kristen Stewart. OMIGOD, she's so cool! And... yes, she's cool AND she sings awesomely <-- That's a word now.

Matt Bellamy. He's a God.

Johan Palm. Had crush, became a crazy fangirl, crush's still there. In August it's our 2 year anniversary! Yay for us!

Stephenie Meyer. Fankz for writing The Twilight Saga, would have been an empty life without it.

J.K Rowling. Never thought about her... But she's the authour of the Harry Potter series and she deserves to be in this list too!

Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games, one of the best book series I've read.

Lady GaGa. ... I love you, you're awesome, keep it up. Love her music.


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